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Innovative Cash Flow Ideas For Churches

This course will focus on providing churches of all sizes with a game plan to increase Cash Flow. Increasing cash flow requires you to look at BOTH innovative income sources and strategies to better manage outflows.

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Product Description


In understanding finances, churches like most individuals & businesses focus on the wrong thing. They focus incorrectly on Income and not cash flow. 

“Income” minded churches look only at “Income or what’s coming in”, while business minded churches focus on “Cash Flow”, which is the most powerful financial concept in the world. 

Cash Flow is: 

Inflows - Outflows = Cash Flow 

When you focus on Cash Flow, both areas (Inflows & Outflows) are given equal attention. Income is viewed from a different perspective, it views tithes & offering as the first income source, not the final income source. Additionally, they understand that managing or reducing outflows produces the same results as increasing income, MORE CASH & MORE CASH FLOW! 

This course, volume one is a series, will focus on providing churches of all sizes with a game plan to increase Cash Flow. Increasing cash flow requires you to look at BOTH innovative income sources and strategies to better manage outflows. This approach creates massive cash flow to fund and fulfill the vison God has given your ministry.

This is how successful businesses operate; so why shouldn’t churches who want to be successful operate the same way?



The question is “Who am I and why am I qualified in this complex subject matter?”

Former CPA, 30 plus years church consultant, over 500 church & Pastor clients, Oversee/CFO of the finances of my churches with a multiple million budget, millions of dollars of diversified assets & I am involved in the daily working of a growing ministry with a Pastor who is a millennial, Elder & Board member.