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Transformer - Businesses & Individuals

There are 3 awesome options to choose from!!! Each option contains 1 live day with the founder, William V Thompson at our location. Estimated time is 6 Hours plus Worksheets!

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Product Description

 The Transformer -Businesses & Individuals - $1,000 plus Expenses (1 Day)

Prerequisites: None!

There are 3 awesome options to choose from!!! Each option contains 1 live day with the founder, William V Thompson at our location:

Option #1 - Escaping the Debt Trap - William will spend 1 day customizing a plan to eliminate all your debt fast, including mortgages & student loans! This option includes a session on creating $$$ to attack debt & turning your debt into an investment that creates wealth!

Option #2 - Selling Puts & More - William will teach you how to make $$$ in the Stock Market regardless of what direction the market goes by investing S&P 500 Companies Only! 

Option #3 - Innovative Income Streams - We will help you find new money sources to fund & fulfill the vision of the church. This includes Investing, Real Estate, Businesses, Debt Reduction & Tax Strategies!